Fantasy WorldBuilding Tips: Writing Tips for Creating Engaging Settings

by | Mar 27, 2023 | blog

Fantasy novels offer readers an escape into entirely new worlds and captivating adventures. However, creating a fantasy world that is both imaginative and compelling can be a daunting task. As an author myself, I’ve dealt with this challenge many times.

If you’re an aspiring fantasy author or someone who’s been toying with the idea of writing a fantasy novel, then this blog is for you! In this post, we’ll cover some essential world building tips for your fantasy novel that will keep your readers hooked.

Start with a Strong Foundation

Before you start creating your fantastical world, it’s important to begin with a solid foundation. Determine the basic geographic and political systems of your fictional land. Consider the history of the land, the economy, the religions, the language, and the culture of your characters.

You should also identify the social hierarchies, the kingdoms, and the opposing forces in play. All these elements will help flesh out a cohesive and believable world.

Create a Map for Your World

Creating a map for your world can help readers better understand the geography and the different dimensions of your story. A good map highlights the different topographical features like mountains, rivers, forests, or deserts. It will also show the unique features of your world like mythical beasts or forbidden lands. Most critically, maps are essential for action scenes and battles that occur in the story.

Integrate Unique Elements Make Your World Stand Out

The strength of your world depends heavily on how much your world stands out from normal life. In other words, the more imaginative elements you can mix in, the better. Your world can be filled with magic and mythical creatures, or it can be a dystopian wasteland. It’s vital to build rules and restrictions for these elements, making them more familiar to the reader.

Incorporate Descriptive Writing

Fantasy writing benefits greatly from descriptive writing, particularly when it comes to character descriptions or locations. This is essential for allowing a reader to visualize the worlds and settings along with the characters that inhabit them. Use sensory language to paint a vivid picture in the mind of the reader. Avoid long blocks of text, but instead, use dialogue to communicate essential worldbuilding information.

Be Consistent with Details

The success of your world rests heavily on consistency. If you have defined specific boundaries for your world, you must maintain and stay within those defined limits. If certain magical creatures do not appear in certain parts of the world or outside of specific weather conditions, stick to those guidelines. Inconsistencies can continually pull a reader out of the world you are trying to build.


Worldbuilding is a critical element of any captivating and engaging fantasy novel. These worldbuilding tips will help immerse your readers in the fantasy world you’ve created, keep them interested, and ultimately ensure your work is memorable. With proper planning and creativity, you can create a uniquely imaginative world that will keep your readers hooked. Remember to start with a solid foundation, create a map of your world, incorporate unique elements, use descriptive writing, and be consistent with the details.

Want to learn more writing tips? Click here to read my top tips for fiction and fantasy novel writers.

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